SPS West Health and Safety Policy
Commitment to the safe operation of our facilities, the safety and health of our employees and the protection of the environment is the utmost importance to the management of this company. SPS West will continually strive for excellence in health and safety performance through adherence to company and manufacturing standards and compliance to legislation and principles contained in the following policy:
- SPS West believes that the safety of all employees, visitors and customer is an integral part of our success as an organization. Every person is an important part of our safety program
- SPS West believes that all occupational injuries and illnesses can be prevented. Our goal will be to eliminate their occurrence through sound accident prevention
- SPS West will develop and enforce proper safety standards in accordance with relevant legislation. Compliance with these standards is a condition of employment
- SPS West will ensure that workers have the knowledge and training to identify “at risk” conditions and perform their work in a safe manner
- SPS West will operate, maintain and inspect our Alberta facility in accordance with applicable legislation and recognized industry standards. It is expected that all employees will endorse this policy and actively participate to achieve its ultimate success